About the updates to this blog …

I created this blog many years ago, to be honest only to have a point of reference for my posts on Twitter. As time went by I joined, as a simple editor, other blogs managed by other people: only after having experienced with these blogs I created the first blog of my own, born from … Continue reading

If art has no alternative …

  Anyone who looks at my work, on the net or live, immediately begins to address me by defining me “an artist”. Anyone who is even just talking about me, meaning to be kind, calls me “an artist”; consequently, to them, I am part, following this line, of the art world. It is natural, therefore, … Continue reading

Who is a “political activist”?

As far as I’m concerned to be a political activist means to show my own ideas and support them. And this, in and on itself, is not easy. Because proposing your own ideas means taking the field, as if you were at war, and be ready for anything, especially to be attacked. Since those people … Continue reading